Minh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen

Full Stack Developer

I’m a web developer based in Columbus, OH.

I take a holistic approach to the projects I work on, writing code that is organized, readable, and maintainable, while also keeping an eye on business needs and user experience.

With my background in mathematics and internet marketing, I apply analytical thinking to create robust applications that are easy to use.


saneful app preview picture

Saneful 2020 App

Real-time single-player strategy RPG (role-playing game) built in React.js, Express.js, and postgreSQL. Simulates life in 2020, quarantined and working remotely from home. Styling based on 90's-era SNES Japanese RPGs.

Features a primitive but robust game engine created entirely from scratch and modeled off of Unity. Made in collaboration with Chrissy Harmon, Matthew Rougely, Michael Oh, and Nick Thorpe.

jobtracker app preview picture

Jobtracker App

First full-stack project designed to allow new developers to keep track of listings on their job search.

Built using React.js, Express.js, postgreSQL, and stores user login information in local storage, in addition to hashing a special URL to safely share lists with others.

bookmarks app preview picture

Bookmarks App

Front-end single page web app created with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and a mock backend API, designed to allow users to store their favorite websites as bookmarks.

Built before learning React, but anticipating core React patterns e.g. componentization, state management, view/page routing, etc.

quiz app preview picture

Quiz App

Front-end single page web app created with HTML, CSS, jQuery, in collaboration with Nick Thorpe, to test users' knowledge of Marvel Universe trivia.

Uses ample amounts of jQuery to handle button clicks, site navigation, etc. Also uses primitive state pattern to keep track of user guesses, to update score and provide feedback.

Let's create


Tell me about what interesting projects that you're working on, and see if we can collaborate together!

My digital print
